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New Boom! RoboCop comics coming in April
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Comment: "Its time to show how real cops kick ass."

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Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:50 am Reply with quote

I agree with Pimp on the preview. I'm not sold but it does look promising. I'll wait to see it in context before passing any firm judgement.

RB 2728

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Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 11:33 am Reply with quote

RoboWags :
I agree with Pimp on the preview. I'm not sold but it does look promising. I'll wait to see it in context before passing any firm judgement.

Totally. It's Robocop so we're already sold. My concern is this is just gonna be another dead series. The people who are not diehard Robo fans are unlikely to be too intrigued by this preview. Not to sound like a dead horse, but they really need to do something new and different, even if a bit shocking, because repeating the same formula has not yielded too great of results.\

RB 1658

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Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 6:10 pm Reply with quote

I haven't gotten my hands on a copy yet, but here's a review of issue #1

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Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 7:26 pm Reply with quote

Ok I've downloaded a digital copy and have read it.... it's ok. It's pretty much all setup. Robocop is barely in it, and when you do see him he's in a weird place/setting. It's kinda interesting, but also a bit strange. It could be leading up to something interesting, but I guess there's only so much you can put into 27 pages....

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Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 3:19 am Reply with quote

Yarbles :
I guess there's only so much you can put into 27 pages....

When Robocop came out comics told complete tales in less pages, including the Marvel Robocop series. Comic book standards have changed a lot since then, but that is no excuse. The first issue of a new series is supposed to draw readers in. While I will still wait until the physical issue is in hand to read the full thing, based on your review and the one linked it does not seem like it did a good job. A robocop issue #1 should be filled with huge action sequences that highlight the main character. Instead it seems like we get another slow Robo title that will struggle to sell through. The reviewer in the link you shared sums up the sad truth:

"Robocop fans have been buying any comic with the title, so I doubt my review is going to change anything and frankly I’m not looking for it to. Enjoy what you want to enjoy, but if you’re looking for something groundbreaking, save your breath."

RB 1658

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Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 5:13 am Reply with quote

I've not read any of the comics. Which are the most compelling? I'd only read one if the characters & story were tight. Action was slick; the art, too.

RB 2500

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Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 10:50 am Reply with quote

Honeslty, RoboCop vs The Terminator is my favorite comic series. Some of the other Dark Horse mini series were pretty decent too.

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Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 11:54 am Reply with quote

Spectrum Scarlet :
I've not read any of the comics. Which are the most compelling? I'd only read one if the characters & story were tight. Action was slick; the art, too.

Well, since I recently bought a bunch of original art from it, I gotta plug the Marvel series. At 23 issues, it is the longest running Robo story and thusly goes the deepest. The art is great and gets better as it goes, especially when Lee takes over inking. The story is a bit inconsistent, so if you are just looking for tight story and action it might not be the best place to start, but it has these plot arcs that build across multiple issues leading to a satisfying and stunning conclusion with roots in some of the earliest issues. Def not gonna find in any other Robo series, but if you just want something with tight story and action check out:

Robocop vs. Terminator, often hailed as the greatest Robocop series, and with good reason. It is written by Frank Miller, who also wrote the Robocop 2 script, so it has deep Robo ties. Walter Simonson's art is fantastic, I have the artist's edition which reproduces his original art at full size. It is amazing, and you can see the dedication he put into the work. Like any great comic artist, it's clear he spent way more time drawing the primary characters, in this case Robo and the endoskeletons, than anything else, which makes the art pop and Robo is lovingly rendered in great detail in every panel he appears. The story is great, and at 4 issues packs a lot of punch in a short space. Recently reprinted, albeit recolored, it should be easy to find. Don't miss it!

Those are the only 'essential reads' in the Robo comics library, in my opinion. I also recommend checking out the other Dark Horse miniseries are all good, but nothing mindblowing. I have strongly mixed feelings about the Avatar series, which adapts Frank Miller's original script for Robocop 2. The art by Juan Jose Ryp is extremely detailed and technically proficient, perfectly capturing the essence of Robo's Detroit. It is also so disgusting, stuffed with brutal gore and disfigured creeps, that it can be hard to stomach, and has proved to be controversial among Robo fans since release. Still, an interesting and well executed series that is an interesting look at Miller's vision for Robocop.

What I do not recommend is the other couple little Avatar things, or the Robocop 3 adaption from BOOM called Last Stand. Similar to the Avatar series, it takes Frank Miller's original script for Robocop 3 and adapts it to a comic. It's OK, but not as compelling or unique as the Avatar series, and the art is nothing to write home about. BOOM also gave us the most recent Robo comic, a 12 issue series that was cool but again, nothing special. it was nice to see a long run of Robo but an uneven story and artist changes towards the end make in a flawed but fine.

That just leaves the Dynamite books, probably the publisher whose Robo books I like the least. Road Trip is a fun series, and I give it credit for at least doing something new, unlike their other series called Revolution. They did a much less talked about crossover, Robocop Terminator: Kill Human, that is... just awful. I really liked it last time I read it though, in a so bad it's good kinda way. The over-the-top plot takes so many liberties with the characters and story, you can't help but laugh. Robo drops F-bombs and goes back in time to reform Dick Jones so he can save Robo with an army of ED-209's at a later date or something, but Robo is ultimately nothing more than a pawn in Skynet's scheme and it ends with him attempting suicide, utterly defeated. It is the worst Robo book, but definitely not the most boring.

I believe I have the most complete Robocop comic book collection in the world, not that their is much competition, and it has been my pleasure to read every Robo adventure printed. That said, they are mostly mediocre, with serviceable stories that don't add much to the character. The new series coming out appears to be more of the same. It has been a long time since there was a great Robo comic on the shelves. So if you want the good stuff, I'd say just start at the beginning.

RB 1658

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Spectrum Scarlet



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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 8:25 pm Reply with quote

Wow. Thank you very much for that, Pimp. I'll see if I can find copies of the Marvel and Terminator runs. They sound good for sure.

I personally love "RoboCop 2", as much as I would've preferred a greater amount of material exploring the humanity of the character. You say Miller wrote the 'RC vs. T' series as well, so is there any of that to be found in his writing? "Deep Robo ties" indicates yes.

RB 2500

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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 9:07 pm Reply with quote

Spectrum Scarlet :
Wow. Thank you very much for that, Pimp. I'll see if I can find copies of the Marvel and Terminator runs. They sound good for sure.

I personally love "RoboCop 2", as much as I would've preferred a greater amount of material exploring the humanity of the character. You say Miller wrote the 'RC vs. T' series as well, so is there any of that to be found in his writing? "Deep Robo ties" indicates yes.

Yes and no.. Only bits in RvsT.. I agree with many he really doesn't understand the depth of Robo too much, or at least understands it quite differently than what has been established by Neumeier/Miner/Verhoeven. And by 'different' I mean 'not quite right'. And more-or-less the same in regards to Terminator. Don't get me wrong, it's a solid, workable, and decent story but just not anything really provoking or intriguing again except in spots.

As for his own 'RoboCop'.. Frankly it's different enough to warrant a look, but doesn't really contain much of anything drastically different from the film(s) (I say 'film(s) because Frank Miller's comic story is based on his original draft(s) which essentially had most of R2 and R3 combined together), at least not in terms of Murphy. Faxx/Love and some other pieces are expounded on some more and there's more action, perhaps too much. But if you're looking for a much deeper and focused look into Murphy and his humanity.. I don't think you'll find too much of what you're looking in the Frank Miller comic. In fact a lot of elements in the characters (not just Murphy) and story are downright confusing and silly. This before we get into Ryp's headache-inducing art that while impressively detailed on its own just ends up distracting making it damn hard to actually follow the comic itself.

Anyway, while some of the Marvels are goofy (resulting in a loose arc as Pimp said) there are some standouts, and of course Sullivan's art can't be beat. Though Simonson does a fine job on the RvsT which in spite of some shortcomings I do take as my personal best fave.

That said, though likewise short runs with occasionally iffy artwork, the other Dark Horse pieces are very much worth checking also. I agree it's nothing truly different but there's some interesting takes with Robo, in spite of the post-R3 continuity.

Most of the Avatars were shit out of a dog's ass.

No real experience with any of the more recent pieces except to say nothing really seemed all that interesting or great to me. The remake comic looked like it might have been something, but I think it was fail. Of course given the source, makes sense. :roll:

This old topic goes into some more detail and thoughts about the Frank Miller Robo comic in particular. There's other topics where we've gone over other comics in a bit more detail also so search around.

Back to the original point, already read a couple takes about this new release and so far not really hearing good things. Bah.
I don't wanna pay that, PhotoBucket. Now maybe you haven't heard, but I'm the guy in old Archive. So hows about you just shit snow for a year and I'll figure out something else. Sayonara!

RB 52912

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Comment: "You dead wrong if ya think that pimpin' gon' die" - Snoop Dogg, P.I.M.P. (Remix)

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Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:07 am Reply with quote

Stan The Man :
understands it quite differently than what has been established. And by 'different' I mean 'not quite right'.

To be fair, that is kinda what Miller is known for. Nobody would say his take on Batman was exactly typical, for example. What fascinates me about Miller's take on Robo as a whole is the timing of it. In many ways he ushered in the 'second generation' of Robocop, writing both Robocop 2 itself, and working for the second Robocop comics publisher, not to mention Robocop 3. This second generation of Robocop is almost always disregarded in any new Robocop tale, which for years have found themselves generally set shortly after the first film. I'm a big fan of Miller in general, and his vision of Robocop was certainly different than what the original team created, but I think it helped expand the character a lot.

RB 1658

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Comment: "You dead wrong if ya think that pimpin' gon' die" - Snoop Dogg, P.I.M.P. (Remix)

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Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:08 am Reply with quote

Stan The Man :
Most of the Avatars were shit out of a dog's ass.

RB 1658

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Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:50 pm Reply with quote

Got the first issue home today. Not too much to add, really. Too many talking, too little RoboCop. I´ll give it a chance since it´s a miniseries, but I hope they´ll do something good with it. Issue 1 it´s just exposition, which I could understand, but not too many interesting things for a RoboFan.

PS: If you laughed (or cringed) with Murphy dressed as Obi-Wan in PD, you´ll get another scene similar to that on this title.

RB 14635

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Comment: "You dead wrong if ya think that pimpin' gon' die" - Snoop Dogg, P.I.M.P. (Remix)

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Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 5:58 pm Reply with quote

ChAnOoD :
PS: If you laughed (or cringed) with Murphy dressed as Obi-Wan in PD, you´ll get another scene similar to that on this title.

Well, that is promising at least.

RB 1658

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