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Joined: 29 Dec 2008
Post Count: 2774
 Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 8:14 am |
Neill Blomkamp is no longer directing the new "RoboCop Returns" movie. With a little over a year since being announced and with no real updates or news on the project since then, Blomkamp has via twitter now announced that he has left the movie.
Will RoboCop still return? Who will take over as the director?
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HOB888 O-L5

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Joined: 29 Dec 2008
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 Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 10:03 am |
Doesn´t surprise me. He did it the same with other properties. MGM takes the blame:
HOB888 : | Each time this guy wanna do a good movie, it can't happen... :roll: |
I tend to see him more like Aronofski. "Hey guys, I´m gonna make a film about your favourite characters!" and when he has some free publicity, he vanish and goes to make his own stuff.
If MGM were smart, they´d go back to the Corporate Wars idea... And knock Verhoeven´s door with a fat check to see if there´s a chance he´d go and direct it. If they´re planning to do another RebootCop, better let the character die.
Robomania R-L3

Joined: 11 Jul 2018
Post Count: 29
 Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 5:06 pm |
I was hyped when he was talking about it being written and the suit being original
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Joined: 17 Nov 2001
Post Count: 6540
 Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 5:06 pm |
I'm not surprised sadly. Any lack of updates for over a year felt strange.
Ever since he, for whatever reason, deleted every RoboCop related image on his Instagram i basically just waited for him to jump ship. Something happened or he never really intended to direct the movie.

Joined: 29 Dec 2008
Post Count: 2774
 Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 5:16 pm |
Archive : | Something happened or he never really intended to direct the movie. |
As I said some posts before, it reminds me of Aronofski all over again. Which is an lame way of behave, classic asshole. Let´s play with a franchise and then leave. A month ago or so he was making a poll, so his fans would choose between RoboCop or another film. He wanted to jump for a while.
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Joined: 17 Nov 2001
Post Count: 6540
 Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 5:25 pm |
Oh yeah, it is definitely like with Aronofsky. Vague promises but no actual updates. And then they jump ship.
Why choose to do a "horror/thriller" as his next movie when RoboCop is supposedly his dream project.
BurnOne4Robo Sgt-L2

Joined: 09 Nov 2012
Post Count: 238
 Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 5:42 pm |
As I said in my post in the other thread, his reason for leaving really makes no sense. He described Robocop as his "dream project." So, if the studio said "here's your dream project, let's go make it!" why the actual fuck would Blomkamp be like "nah, not right now. I wanna do this other thing that's not my dream project first, can we put my dream project on the back burner? This other movie is more important."
Like...wha??? He insinuates that it was his choice to do another project instead, but I believe he is just trying to be diplomatic about it. I think the obvious reason is that MGM tried to exert too much influence over the direction...again.
I don't agree with the idea that announcing your involvement in a popular franchise, then leaving, is somehow how a way make yourself more popular, or a good way to get your own pet projects made. That doesn't really make sense to me. Being temporarily attached to Robocop didn't do a single thing for Aronofsky's career. That's just not how it works. The way to get pet projects made is to follow through in making the studio a boatload of money on their franchise IP so that they are more relaxed with the purse strings when you approach them with an original idea. I don't think a studio exec ever uttered a phrase like "hey, that guy almost made a movie that people were excited about, let's go get him while he's hot!" Doesn't happen.
I thought it was pretty obvious that Aronofsky left because of MGM's meddling. Which was basically confirmed by Jose Padilha admitting the studio handcuffed him and wouldn't let him make the movie he thought he was making, and pretty much made him never want to do a film for a big studio again.
"I didn’t have the creative freedom I needed, I spent 90% of the time fighting. I would think a million times before getting involved in another production of that size again" - Jose Padilha

Joined: 29 Dec 2008
Post Count: 2774
 Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 5:58 pm |
I can understand "studio interferences" as well on the project, but it´s a lack of respect to fans of a specific franchise to tease them with Peter Weller, having the suit back, being "the true sequel" and all that stuff and then leave because he wants to do one of his films. And well, Aronofski is a guy who does his own experimental, artsy films. Having him attached to Batman or Wolverine is a win-win studio: comic geeks wet their pants having a director with a vision and the "edgy" director´s name has a wider repercusion into pop culture.
When I interview Galyn Görg she told me she can´t figure how a RoboCop film would capture the spirit of the original, since the film mocked big, greedy corporations, which the cinema industry has become. I think I agree with that. That´s why we have "Happy Meal RoboCop" in the form of "RebootCop" in 2014.
BurnOne4Robo Sgt-L2

Joined: 09 Nov 2012
Post Count: 238
 Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 6:08 pm |
ChAnOoD : | And well, Aronofski is a guy who does his own experimental, artsy films. Having him attached to Batman or Wolverine is a win-win studio: comic geeks wet their pants having a director with a vision and the "edgy" director´s name has a wider repercusion into pop culture. |
Except it's not a win, for anybody. 99.9% of people who buy movie tickets would never know Aronofsky was ever attached to Robocop, and again, nobody is going to watch a movie because it was directed by the guy that "almost directed a movie I was excited about." It just makes no sense, sorry.
The more believable scenario is that these "artsy" independent type directors get schmoozed into coming on board for a big studio IP and believe they will have creative control like they do on their other projects, then when things get rolling the studio wants more and more input and the director says "this isn't what I signed up for" and leaves.
Like I said, nobody went to go see "Noah" because it was directed by the guy that almost directed a Wolverine movie. They went to see it because it was directed by the guy that directed Black Swan.
ChAnOoD : | I can understand "studio interferences" as well on the project, but it´s a lack of respect to fans of a specific franchise to tease them with Peter Weller, having the suit back, being "the true sequel" and all that stuff and then leave because he wants to do one of his films. |
I don't see it as a lack of respect at all. I see it as him saying exactly what he planned on doing, then finding out he won't be allowed to do it, and leaving the project. The only thing that would make it disrespectful is if he already knew he was leaving and was lying about all of that...which I don't believe, because it makes no sense. Sounds like he was trying to give the fans what we wanted, and was being handcuffed like every other director that has worked on Robocop for MGM since fucking Robocop 2!

Joined: 29 Dec 2008
Post Count: 2774
 Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 6:16 pm |
BurnOne4Robo : | The only thing that would make it disrespectful is if he already knew he was leaving and was lying about all of that... |
Well, wasn´t he promising candy for everyone and at the same time making polls to see if he should leave the project?
BurnOne4Robo Sgt-L2

Joined: 09 Nov 2012
Post Count: 238
 Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 6:19 pm |
ChAnOoD : | Well, wasn´t he promising candy for everyone and at the same time making polls to see if he should leave the project?  |
I'd say that's a sign that he was conflicted.

Joined: 29 Dec 2008
Post Count: 2774
 Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 6:31 pm |
Don´t know, man. Even with your point of view I think the RoboCop fanbase have been treated like crap. Aronofski told in an interview back in the day the "cool" thing about RoboCop is that he´s not like "Batman", it´s not that well known, and he could change whatever he would want. Same with Padilha, where he thought a car accident would work better and have the same impact for his version. Batman is rebooted from time to time, but he´s still an orphan and their parents are dead.
Same with other projects. Machimina went out of bussiness recently, and we´re still waiting for the official cancellation of their "RoboCops" webseries.
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Joined: 17 Nov 2001
Post Count: 6540
 Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 6:39 pm |
I mean for one it is really good to get your name out there. Everytime Blomkamp even mentioned RoboCop on his twitter every media website posted about it. For over a year he was in the spotlight and that must have been good for something.
I'm sure plenty of people checked his previous work when they heard he was attached to a new RoboCop movie. Much like Aronofsky.
Then of course there's the backlash. After being attached to a Halo, Alien and now RoboCop movie, his credibility is pretty shit. If he is again announced as a director for some big name movie i think a lot of people will just tell him to get bent.
I certainly won't be excited for anything Blomkamp announces. ( Yes, I'm that bitter. )