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Neill Blomkamp leaves RoboCop Returns
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Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 7:17 pm Reply with quote

Neill Blomkamp :
Off Robocop. I am shooting new horror/thriller and MGM can’t wait/ need to shoot Robocop now. Excited to watch it in theaters with other fans. N

Also, he types Robocop, not RoboCop. How big a fan can he be. Wink

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Judge Black


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Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 7:33 pm Reply with quote

We dodged a bullet.

Blomkamp was making too many changes to the original story idea that Neumeier & Mineer were hired by MGM to develop.

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Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 7:35 pm Reply with quote

Archive :
Neill Blomkamp :
Off Robocop. I am shooting new horror/thriller and MGM can’t wait/ need to shoot Robocop now. Excited to watch it in theaters with other fans. N

Also, he types Robocop, not RoboCop. How big a fan can he be. Wink

Yeah, thatīs true. Thatīs something that bothered me when I read the tweet. He canīt even write the name correctly.

Judge Black :
We dodged a bullet.

Blomkamp was making too many changes to the original story idea that Neumeier & Mineer were hired by MGM to develop.

Donīt know if with Blomkamp out MGM would try again to get Corporate Wars. To me, itīs the decent way to go, trying to revive Murphy with the original makers. But the right choice would be asking Verhoeven to come back, and I doubt theyīre considering this.

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Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 9:05 pm Reply with quote

OMG I'm so shocked! ...not. As others have said, this is the Aronofsky situation all over again, and I think after the initial excitement wore off and there were no positive updates we could smell it in the air. But isn't it fucked up that Robo is more attractive to directors as promo/bait than an actual project they want to be part of? And yet, even though this comes as no surprise, I can't help but feel real contempt for Blomkamp and the way he handled this. At least Aronofsky didn't get too specific and tease us with exactly what we wanted to hear. If I recall correctly, Aronofsky's project was always a reboot and we didn't learn much beyond he wanted to do his own take. But Blomkamp promised we would get OUR Robo back, with the original writers too! Last we heard he was confirming that ED-209 was coming back! And then out of the blue he says actually he has nothing to do with it. He could have said "actually, I'm not sure if ED-209 will be there as all the details haven't been finalized" but instead he kept stringing us along.

And I don't want to hear any bullshit about "studio interference". This is a studio film, end of story. If these guys want to do art films that are totally original, keep doing it. I wish them luck, but if you're coming onto an established franchise with a bigger budget for effects and promotion, then you've got to expect some freedom will be sacrificed. And if this is really the dream project, who cares? If I was lucky enough to direct the new RoboCop movie or even write a 4 page comic book story, I would do whatever it took to finish it. If they said RoboCop has to do a ballet dance in a tutu I would do my best to make it fit within the world of RoboCop in a satisfying way. And then if the studio told me to do it another way I would listen. Because to work on an official RoboCop project is my dream. But not Blomkamp's, apparently.

The one good thing about this news is that it does seem like they are still going ahead with the RoboCop Returns movie in some way, shape or form. Blomkamp seemed liked a good choice or director... but I would rather have someone else do it than have to wait around for him to make his little horror film, and seems the studios agree. He's been teasing us for over a year so of course we aren't gonna keep waiting around patiently. We've been burned like that too many times, fromAronofsky on the reboot to RoboCop vs Predator, and to a lesser degree the RoboDoc. You could say we've been waiting decades for the real RoboCop to return to the screen so what's a few more years? I say I want the real RoboCop sequel in theaters yesterday with release dates for the next two installments!

In conclusion, I am the type of RoboCop fan who will not forget this. From this day forward I lay a RoboCurse on Neil Blomkamp's name. Fuck him and anything he ever does. Whenever he has a new movie coming out, I will talk trash about it. I'm sure some of y'all remember how we reacted when Murphy38 turned her back on the RoboCommunity. RoboCop himself is trapped in a metal prison, it is his body, so if he can't escape the existential hell that is his life, you better believe you're not just gonna waltz away from Robo like that without facing a lifetime of shame and scorn! Blomkamp is lucky he's from South America and not the USA because I have half a mind to bend him over my knee and give him a spanking he will never forget, just like we will never forget the way he mercilessly abused our beloved Robo!

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Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 2:17 am Reply with quote

I'm really frustrated too, I can't help but feel angry towards Blomkamp. But, we don't know the full story behind his unfortunate decision so I wouldn't judge him so fast.

The youtuber "Mr H Reviews" sent a personal message to Blomkamp for an interview about this, let's hope he answers soon.

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Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 1:09 am Reply with quote

Considering how much Blomkamp was moving away from Neumeier & Miner's original Corporate Wars story idea, his leaving is a good thing.

What's the point if the creators are ignored; they were brought back for the very reason of getting back to the source. Either find a way to get 81 year-old Verhoeven back or forget about it.

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Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 9:39 am Reply with quote

Judge Black :
Considering how much Blomkamp was moving away from Neumeier & Miner's original Corporate Wars story idea, his leaving is a good thing.

What's the point if the creators are ignored; they were brought back for the very reason of getting back to the source. Either find a way to get 81 year-old Verhoeven back or forget about it.

Again, not sure if theyīre going to get back to Corporate Wars, but itīd be the smartest choice. And Verhoeven is still directing; sadly Hollywood doesnīt want him after people didnīt get Starship Troopers, Showgirls and Hollow Man.

But man, how glorious would be to have an announcement where Neumeier, Miner & Verhoeven are back. I think Weller would consider being part of this if these three were together.

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Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 10:26 am Reply with quote

ChAnOoD :
Again, not sure if theyīre going to get back to Corporate Wars, but itīd be the smartest choice. And Verhoeven is still directing; sadly Hollywood doesnīt want him after people didnīt get Starship Troopers, Showgirls and Hollow Man.

But man, how glorious would be to have an announcement where Neumeier, Miner & Verhoeven are back. I think Weller would consider being part of this if these three were together.

I think Verhoeven could've stayed in Hollywood if he wanted to but he wouldn't have had the freedom he had on his later European films. I think it's more that age would be his enemy now – he just had a hip operation which delayed post-production on his latest film. RoboCop's going nowhere at the moment and Verheoeven is finished soon so I say ask him anyway.

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Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 12:23 pm Reply with quote

Judge Black :
I think Verhoeven could've stayed in Hollywood if he wanted to but he wouldn't have had the freedom he had on his later European films. I think it's more that age would be his enemy now – he just had a hip operation which delayed post-production on his latest film. RoboCop's going nowhere at the moment and Verheoeven is finished soon so I say ask him anyway.

I aware of his hip operation and Iīm curious about his latest film. I wish MGM pick him, but Iīm afraid theyīll go with the hot director of the moment, sadly.

On some FB groups I saw an article about Zach Snyder being the ideal director for Returns. If someone is serious about it, Iīd prefer to have the character die. nothanks oh dear

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Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 6:03 pm Reply with quote

ChAnOoD :
On some FB groups I saw an article about Zach Snyder being the ideal director for Returns. If someone is serious about it, Iīd prefer to have the character die. nothanks oh dear

Jesus. And to think I saw a 'ideal list' of a few names that would supposedly be good and while strangely he wasn't on that list all but maybe a couple of the options were just as absurd.

Truth be told, there's only a couple other notable names that I'd even consider giving a shot to, and those choices are just as unlikely as Verhoeven himself, who while I still feel understands it all better than anyone I too fear is now too old to do it now. And I don't mean physically, that is - Some veteran directors who were gods of cinema back in the day lately have been hit-or-miss (mostly miss) on more recent projects. They just seem to have lost something with time and I hate to say that could well apply to Paul as well, except in his case I think he is perhaps wise enough to know better than to try at this point. Kind of a crummy thing to say but well, there it is. Make no mistake though I would definitely give him first crack - Again he's really the only one that understands and well 'gets it' with RoboCop. And yes with Mike and Ed and Peter.. ohh would be fabulous to have that 'dream team' back for sure. Very Happy

Anyway I still don't think we can lay this latest news squarely at Blomkamp's feet - Neill feels more sincere about this than Aronofsky or Padhila ever did. Though I grant it is odd as much as it is a bummer. Still this more reeks of MGM fuggering around which we all know they have a established track record of. End of the day though who the hell really knows? Neutral
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Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 8:06 pm Reply with quote

As much as you fellas were onboard with him on this, I had a feeling it was going to falter with the lack of information. Ed and Michael being dropped was a tell-tale sign and when word broke out they were considering "a Centaur-like freaky monster with a football helmet and spiraling horns", I lost a fair bit of hope and interest. MGM probably did, too.

Blomkamp's talk on Twitter like "Imagine Verhoeven doing a follow-up movie" and "1 million% original" just screamed of a hyper-energetic, overly-keen kid who was trying too hard to fit the bill. Of what he thought WE wanted and what MGM DIDN'T want; from someone who was going to be handling a multi-million budget on a franchise revival no one can seem to lick.

There's a pattern here and studio executives aren't as dim-witted as people think. If they feel a director is going to take it too far in terms of budget and schedule, there's no chance they'll commit to him. He'll lose the job. Blomkamp hasn't got a track record for commercial studio features; he could have had by now, given "District 9" was 10 years ago as of last Wednesday. 3 pictures in the space of a decade - even Kershner did more than that in his earlier years.

Equally, if they were wanting a film that was too far removed from what it should have been (a continuation of the original story), he's better off walking away and maintaining his integrity, rather than regret doing it and suffer the Dekker syndrome. Nevertheless, he shouldn't have spoon-fed us all the bullshit and should've kept his mouth shut until it was greenlit/approved. I don't trust anyone like that; always a sign of naivety.

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Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 8:44 pm Reply with quote

Personally I think Neumeier and Miner may have hit the jackpot with RoboCop. As Spectrum Scarlet stated the antagonist with a football helmet sounded ridiculous. I enjoyed Starship Troopers but the sequels that Neumeier wrote and directed were terrible. I also felt the TV series pilot they wrote was poor. I don't believe there script was/is going to be movie stardust. Verhoeven has had many duds since Total Recall, 29 years ago - again, I think talk of a "dream team" is about thirty years out of date. None of the three have been hitting those levels for decades now. Ridley Scott with the Alien franchise is a great example of a filmmaker not being able to recapture the magic they once created.

Someone like Blomkamp would have been perfect. I don't think we would have necessarily got a great movie - but there would've been enough throwbacks to the roots of the franchise to make it most definitely enjoyable.

Not really sure where we go from here. Much will depend on MGM CEO Glickman getting the right team in - but considering he was the guy who thought greenlighting PG-13 RoboCop in a black catsuit on a motorbike was a good idea...I have very little enthusiasm or hope.

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Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 10:38 pm Reply with quote

NukeLord :
Personally I think Neumeier and Miner may have hit the jackpot with RoboCop. As Spectrum Scarlet stated the antagonist with a football helmet sounded ridiculous.

Thatīs true, but Iīd prefer an over-the-top, different RoboCop by the makers of the first film (even with a Robo-Rap for the closing credits) than the safe, by the book approach the character was treated with the sequels ("letīs make him beat the crap of a bigger/faster/powerful creature, like the ED-209 in the first one!"). Iīm not sure if Iīd enjoy watching "Corporate Wars", but Iīm sure Iīd enjoy being able to see what they wanted to do. Again, RoboCop is a different character to work with: after he says "Murphy" at the end of the first film his story is done.

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Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 12:22 am Reply with quote

NukeLord :
Personally I think Neumeier and Miner may have hit the jackpot with RoboCop. As Spectrum Scarlet stated the antagonist with a football helmet sounded ridiculous. I enjoyed Starship Troopers but the sequels that Neumeier wrote and directed were terrible. I also felt the TV series pilot they wrote was poor. I don't believe there script was/is going to be movie stardust. Verhoeven has had many duds since Total Recall, 29 years ago - again, I think talk of a "dream team" is about thirty years out of date. None of the three have been hitting those levels for decades now.

The two times Neumeier and Verhoeven worked together we got gold.

I'd be willing to go for the trifecta – certainly before I'd give Blomkamp a go where everyone else has failed and he hasn't had a success since his first film.

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