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Judge Black R-L4

Joined: 04 Jul 2015
Post Count: 35
 Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 5:07 pm |
RoboPimp : | don't underestimate my ability to write RoboCop, I do have a BA in creative writing after all.
Pimp, please. Let's not start that kind of passive-aggressive talk. Don't underestimate mine or others' passion for "RoboCop" either, beyond the original movie and the same goes for writing, as well. |
Just for the record, I underestimate everyone's ability to write RoboCop – except maybe the original creators ... and maybe John Wagner/Alan Grant (writing team of 80s Judge Dredd).
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Archive .

Joined: 17 Nov 2001
Post Count: 6540
 Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:57 pm |
I've come to learn and understand that every Robo fan have a VERY different view on what is the magic of RoboCop.
You'd think if we put some super fans together we could write one hell of a story but the truth is that it most likely would be an absolute mess.
Zentron :

Joined: 04 Jan 2009
Post Count: 2022
Comment: Your move creep!!
 Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 8:23 pm |
Archive : | I've come to learn and understand that every Robo fan have a VERY different view on what is the magic of RoboCop.
You'd think if we put some super fans together we could write one hell of a story but the truth is that it most likely would be an absolute mess. | That's why you just let me write and direct the movie  _________________

Joined: 10 Mar 2007
Post Count: 3124
Comment: "You dead wrong if ya think that pimpin' gon' die" - Snoop Dogg, P.I.M.P. (Remix)
 Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 11:51 pm |
Judge Black : | Just for the record, I underestimate everyone's ability to write RoboCop – except maybe the original creators ... and maybe John Wagner/Alan Grant (writing team of 80s Judge Dredd). |
Alan Grant is one of my favorite comic book writers, I even wrote an essay in college about him where you had to write about a writer whose career you most wish was yours. He has written so many things I love, including the first ten issues of the Marvel RoboCop series. That said, I prefer Simon Furman's run on the second half, but still love Alan Grant's take on RoboCop, which was indeed the very first original comic book version of RoboCop. I know he is still working in some capacity so I'd love to see him back on the case.
Archive : | I've come to learn and understand that every Robo fan have a VERY different view on what is the magic of RoboCop.
You'd think if we put some super fans together we could write one hell of a story but the truth is that it most likely would be an absolute mess. |
No doubt about it! But it would still probably be less messy than any interpretation of Robo we've seen in recent years, because at least we would be getting to the heart of what we love about RoboCop. This is something that seems to have been lost along the way, which is why we were so excited for Blomkamp to direct it, because he seemed like someone who shared our love of RoboCop. But as recent events have shown, nobody loves RoboCop nearly as much as we do!
Spectrum Scarlet Sgt-L1*

Joined: 16 Dec 2008
Post Count: 154
 Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 2:37 am |
Archive : | You'd think if we put some super fans together we could write one hell of a story but the truth is that it most likely would be an absolute mess. |
Don't be so sure, Archive - it could work without being a mess. Still think a fan-film is the way forward; with maybe even a few members of the original cast.
By the way, I caught an extended synopsis for the "In Search of the Last Action Heroes" documentary on their final campaign page. Apparently, Ronny Cox reveals all about nearly returning in "RoboCop 2".
Is this already known?
Archive .

Joined: 17 Nov 2001
Post Count: 6540
 Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 7:39 am |
Spectrum Scarlet : | By the way, I caught an extended synopsis for the "In Search of the Last Action Heroes" documentary on their final campaign page. Apparently, Ronny Cox reveals all about nearly returning in "RoboCop 2".
Is this already known? |
Woah, that is the first time i've ever heard about it. Interesting.

Joined: 29 Dec 2008
Post Count: 2774
 Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 4:33 pm |
Spectrum Scarlet : | By the way, I caught an extended synopsis for the "In Search of the Last Action Heroes" documentary on their final campaign page. Apparently, Ronny Cox reveals all about nearly returning in "RoboCop 2". |
I hope they didn´t want to play with the idea of a "twin brother". We had enough with Clarence.
RoboPimp : | Alan Grant is one of my favorite comic book writers, I even wrote an essay in college about him where you had to write about a writer whose career you most wish was yours. He has written so many things I love, including the first ten issues of the Marvel RoboCop series. |
Sadly, he wasn´t too happy working on RoboCop. When I interview him he said escaping from the Marvel RoboCop run made him feel way too happy. Years later, Gregory Wright said it was a though property to work with. Orion wanted laser guns, zero kills and even a RoboPuppy at some point.
Spectrum Scarlet Sgt-L1*

Joined: 16 Dec 2008
Post Count: 154
 Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 8:23 pm |
From the Indie GoGo campaign page:
"Ronny Cox (RoboCop) on how he almost reprised his role as corporate villain Richard “Dick” Jones in RoboCop 2 – despite his character dying in the first film."
ChAnOoD : | Orion wanted laser guns, zero kills and even a RoboPuppy at some point. |
Fuck that - unless it was a true, futuristic story, along the lines of "Blade Runner" or "Star Wars". Could good ol' Murphy/Robo work 'in a galaxy far, far away'? That would be something, seeing him go up against an army of Stormtroopers.

Joined: 29 Dec 2008
Post Count: 2774
 Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 9:41 am |
Spectrum Scarlet : | Fuck that - unless it was a true, futuristic story, along the lines of "Blade Runner" or "Star Wars". Could good ol' Murphy/Robo work 'in a galaxy far, far away'? That would be something, seeing him go up against an army of Stormtroopers. |
Wright told me when I interview him that Orion Execs were kinda "bipolar" (or he used some mental term to call them). Each day they wanted changes, and when the guys at Marvel make a deal they´ll have to deal with more changes. It seems new executives appeared after they had a vision with the notes from the previous guys at Orion. Their first idea was selling the RoboCop Marvel run as a gritty, Punisher kind of comic. Orion said no.
ireactions O-L1

Joined: 26 Apr 2015
Post Count: 58
 Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 10:08 pm |
Archive : | I've come to learn and understand that every Robo fan have a VERY different view on what is the magic of RoboCop.
You'd think if we put some super fans together we could write one hell of a story but the truth is that it most likely would be an absolute mess. |
Ideally, someone would serve as a lead writer and make all the final decisions like a showrunner in a TV series.
Spectrum Scarlet : | RoboPimp : | I appreciate your kind words, but do not under estimate my love for RoboCop, the character, not just the 1987 film. And don't underestimate my ability to write RoboCop, I do have a BA in creative writing after all. I could and would write RoboCop in a tutu, perhaps in a tender moment where he is helping a young transgirl accept themself for who they really are, and it would be beautiful and more poignant than any officaly RoboCop story from this decade! The great thing about RoboCop, the character, is that he is essentially a blank slate for any type of story, which is why it is a shame he is so often forced into the same story over and over again, and yet that seems to be what most people want... |
Pimp, please. Let's not start that kind of passive-aggressive talk. Don't underestimate mine or others' passion for "RoboCop" either. Beyond the original movie and the same goes for writing, too. You don't need a degree to pen a script, be it in film/television or novel/comic form. To say that exchange you describe would be more touching and appealing than any scene from an approved tale of the character over the last 9 years, isn't saying much at all, in all fairness. Considering how little there's been since the start of the 2010's, half of BOOM!'s output was a re-issue and adaptation, while Dynamite never got past their 1st issue.
What kind of plots have you thought up of, that a sub-plot like the transgirl interaction would work? |
I don't want this to be perceived as any sort of support or defense for RoboPimp, but the imagery he described sparked something in me.
If ROBOCOP (1987) had led to a TV show with the appropriate level of Verhoeven madness, I can imagine one episode where RoboCop, hunting down drug dealers, has to catch one female escapee.
RoboCop has to conduct interviews and gather evidence to track down the girl. But her friends and family insist that the girl isn't a girl. That she's boy named Aaron who's started calling herself Erin and is mentally ill and has split personality disorder.
RoboCop determines the girl wasn't a dealer but buyer, buying hormones for gender alteration. As he sits in his hub at police headquarters, reviewing the footage to identify likely locations, an OCP executive expresses irritation with RoboCop's "human interest" investigation. He's a robot; he should be a one-man SWAT team and be cracking muggers' skulls.
Another OCP suit remarks that if RoboCop's programming has shown an affinity for addressing children, they should book him a run of school appearances for anti-bullying initiatives and script his dialogue for him and include some product placement.
RoboCop marches away in the middle of this discussion, intending to find Erin and bring her home and digitally filing paperwork to have her charges reduced to misdemeanors.
When he tracks Erin down, they're caught in a collapsing building and RoboCop is damaged. His speech systems are impaired. He cannot speak. But he's able to RoboSpike a TV to show the Erin a blueprint of the building so she can get out alive. She makes no move to escape, says she would rather die in the building than escape and live as a boy being told that she's mentally ill.
Erin asks RoboCop questions as she realizes he isn't a robot; there's a person inside the RoboSuit. She asks to see the man inside and RoboCop projects an image of Alex Murphy on the TV. Murphy speaks to Erin, saying that in his mind, he knows who he really is.
He projects an image of himself as a father, as a cop, as RoboCop, as RoboCop in a tutu or waiter's tuxedo or a baseball player. Murphy, in his human image, says that we all have to live knowing that other people might not acknowledge who we really are, and that becoming who we want to be isn't done in a single act, it takes time, it takes patience, it's a journey -- but that can't happen unless they get out of this building.
Erin lets RoboCop guide her to escape. He self-repairs his speech systems. He drives her home but doesn't force her to reunite with her parents.
ERIN: "You won't make me do it, but you want me to. You want me to go back into my house. Be a boy. Hide in my closet and get stuck there the way you're stuck in this suit. If I go back in there, how'll I ever get out?"
She stares at RoboCop's unreadable, inexpressive face, searching for some spark of Murphy.
ROBOCOP: I SERVE-------DELTA CITY. DELTA CITY--------------------------MAINTAINS ME.
ERIN: "Right, and my family houses and feeds me, so I gotta do what they want and that's all there is to it? I can't escape?"
Erin steps out of RoboCop's cruiser. She might go home. She might run away again. RoboCop sits in his car, letting her decide for herself, and the hint is that RoboCop himself is considering how to free himself from OCP and Detroit and regain his human identity.
(Golly, RoboCop is hard to write! His brevity and his long pauses between syllables are a problem. Admittedly, I'm writing this thinking of the voice of everyone's favourite RoboCop, Page Fletcher. Haha!)

Joined: 10 Mar 2007
Post Count: 3124
Comment: "You dead wrong if ya think that pimpin' gon' die" - Snoop Dogg, P.I.M.P. (Remix)
 Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 5:36 am |
ireactions : | He projects an image of himself [...] in a tutu. Murphy, in his human image, says that we all have to live knowing that other people might not acknowledge who we really are, and that becoming who we want to be isn't done in a single act, it takes time, it takes patience, it's a journey -- but that can't happen unless they get out of this building. |
I might have taken a slightly subtler route to get there, but this moment is essentially what I envisioned. And I appreciate you for taking the time to flesh out my thought, so thanks for the not-quite support. And I think this goes to show there are potential for other RoboCop stories besides the old trope of him fighting corporate bastards, saving the day and making some minor progress towards humanity, but ultimately returning to where he started, as has been the formula for most stories after the first film. One of my favorite episodes of The Series is "Officer Down" which sees RoboCop protecting a sick child. But he's not just there as pure muscle. And it goes to show that just because he is not fully human does not mean humans can't fully relate to Robo.
RoboJOF Sgt-L4

Joined: 17 May 2015
Post Count: 306
Comment: Bitches, leave!
 Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 9:53 pm |
I am bummed to hear of Neill Blomkamp leaving RoboCop Returns. Ironically, I watched Chappie the other day and it got me thinking about the possibilities of a modern RoboCop movie. I do think he would have been a good fit for this film. He is young, artistic, interested in making a statement in his work, much like Verhoeven was and still is. I am sure that the studio, the director, the writers, etc. all had their own ideas of how things should be and while I guess I should be upset, I realize that sometimes things just don't happen. I think the conversations with Weller may have been a way to keep the project going (I am guessing that they went to him with a big check). I also agree with the comments about entering into a franchise (I believe that was RoboPimp), a director can't just come in and try to change the direction of an already established franchise (at least not too much) without upsetting the fans. Ultimately, its going to be difficult to move forward for a while.
I hope that they do not go the way of hiring someone like Zach Snyder or Michael Bay (they love franchises). I think it would be better to have someone young, a fan of the source material, but willing to be creative. We don't want another reboot, and we don't want rehashing of the original films. I recognize that RoboCop 3 was not the most shining moment in the franchise history (and it certainly had its share of rehashing ideas from the first film), but I appreciate some of the creativity there. Having OCP taken over by Kanemitsu corporation was an bold move, the people's resistance was a new element to the series. Comic writers like Alan Grant took risks with the character, as did Frank Miller. We need to see creativity in the continued storytelling of these characters and I hope that the studio will be willing to let someone try.
Judge Black R-L4

Joined: 04 Jul 2015
Post Count: 35
 Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 10:40 pm |
RoboPimp : | Judge Black : | Just for the record, I underestimate everyone's ability to write RoboCop – except maybe the original creators ... and maybe John Wagner/Alan Grant (writing team of 80s Judge Dredd). |
Alan Grant is one of my favorite comic book writers, I even wrote an essay in college about him where you had to write about a writer whose career you most wish was yours. He has written so many things I love, including the first ten issues of the Marvel RoboCop series. That said, I prefer Simon Furman's run on the second half, but still love Alan Grant's take on RoboCop, which was indeed the very first original comic book version of RoboCop. I know he is still working in some capacity so I'd love to see him back on the case.
Alan has had some bouts of ill-health in recent years and does some conventions but he is involved with a comic called Rok of the Reds with fellow Scot John Wagner.
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RoboFan R-L2

Joined: 05 Oct 2019
Post Count: 17
 Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 9:12 am |
Hi first post.
I was bummed when Blomkamp left the project. I liked District 9 & Elysium, especially his use of technology and big tech corruption. It did seem a perfect match so to see the reasons why he couldn't continue didn't ring true. There's bullshit coming from somewhere.
Hopefully the project moves on and it's eventually made.
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