RoboCop stops the Splatterpunks with the help of his new multi-weapon arm attachement, a formidable piece of armament that replaces his left arm.
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The versatile gun arm featured a nine-millimeter Calico M950A machine gun, a fully operational missile launcher and a practical flamethrower capable of shooting a stream of fire one hundred feet.
Rob Bottin and modelmaker Jim Belohovec was responsible for buidling the arm and attaching it
and another team was responsible for making the flamethrower and launcher work. The actuall design of the gun arm was made by RoboCop3 director Fred Dekker.
In one of our first meetings Fred walked in with a drawing he had done, and said,
"I think the gun arm should look something like this; but of course, I'm a big fan of your work and
I want to see what you come up with" I looked at his drawing, and said, 'Well. I don't think we can beat this.'
It was a damn good design; and so we went with it.
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Stembridge Gun Rentals supplied the machine gun for the multi-weapon arm. They had supplied all the guns for the Terminator movies and Total Recall;
and were a great help putting the gun arm together. The machine gun was laid down into the cradle of the arm, with the handle and trigger disguised by a second, added barrel.
So there were barrels on either side, which made it look more futuristic. The authentic machine gun packed a considerable wallop.
When they brought the machine gun to the shop, I wanted to shoot it so that I could make sure it would be safe laying on its side.
It was wild, because it would actually move me backwards as I shot it. It wasn't that big a gun, and I was weighing in at about 235 at that point, yet it could still push me across the room.
That was something that Robert Burke had to get used to.
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Also incorporated into the practical prop were the flame-thrower and missile launcher. The actual flamethrower
was a rod about the size of a pencil, but it could easily shoot a hundred feet of fire with the circumference
of the stream blossoming out to a good eight feet. Fuel lines for the flamethrower ran out from behind RoboCop,
and then off onto the floor to a special tank. Rounding out the multi-weaponarm was the missile launcher which employed small, but powerful rockets used by model rocket enthusiasts. All in all, the gun arm was an effective
new tool in the RoboCop arsenal.
I wish it could have been featured more, because it was pretty cool. And it
was great fun to make. We were like a bunch of kids, Oh, yeah! Let's shoot the machine gun!
Hey! Now we get to shoot fire out in the backyard! Now we get to shoot missiles! All of us had a lot
of kid like enthusiasm about the gun arm.
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