More than a decade after Paul Verhoeven's 1987 cyberpunk hit introduced him to the world, Fireworks Entertainment and Rigel joined forces with producer-director Julian Grant and screenwriters Brad Abraham and Joseph O'Brien to create the four-part television miniseries collectively entitled RoboCop: Prime Directives.
PD Info Database
Straight from the director and the writers of RoboCop:Prime Directives themselfs comes an extensive collection of info and fun facts from all four episodes.
Questions & Answers
This section collects the many questions asked by fans that were answered by PD Co-writers Joseph OŽBrien and Brad Abraham during the PD year of 2000.
Prime Dissatisfactions
The TV miniseries RoboCop: Prime Directives starts off promisingly enough. However, and quite unfortunately, the story of PD does not simply end there.
Archived PD site
Here you can view a section of the official Robo:PD site that was launched in March 2000. You will be able to view the Intro, News and Faq sections.